UraniumFree Virginia has submitted this video clip to the Faces of the Grassroots: Environmental Justice Video Contest conducted by the United States Environmental Protection Agency. The video is on proposed uranium mining in Virginia and the dangers of contamination it poses for the Roanoke River Basin.
The video features the author of this blog; it was edited by Cory Greer and recorded by Valentin Lukashuk. Special thanks to both of them! Thank you Cory and Valentin!!!
The contest's website: http://www.youtube.com/video_response_view_all?v=tDBl2_f_CSk
The contest's rules: http://www.epa.gov/compliance/environmentaljustice/events/video-contest.html#rules
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Unfortunately, UraniumFree Virginia was not among the finalists of the EPA Video Contest. However, our video received a good exposure: more than 245 views and some comments. With time the number of viewers of the video will increase, as we intend to keep the video on YouTube.